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By Shih Hsiao-kuang and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday promised legal action after the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee concluded that two of its major investment companies were illegal assets that must be turned over to the state.The committee’s decision was “excessive” and the “ugliest page in the history of democracy,” KMT Communications Commission deputy director Hu Wen-chi (胡文琦) said after the committee’s announcement that the party must transfer all shareholdings of Central Investment Co (中央投資公司) and Hsinyutai Co (欣裕台) to the government within 30 days of receiving a letter of disposition.The committee’s resolution includes the transfer of 18 subsidiary companies under Central Investment worth a combined NT$15.6 billion (US$488.4 million) to state control. That means the party’s headquarters in Taipei — listed as a Central Investment asset — must also be handed over to the government.Hu called the resolution an “excessive measure that is intended to wipe out a legitimate party.”“The KMT will not stand by awaiting death. We will use all available political and judicial means to fight and defend ourselves,” Hu said.The KMT wants the whole nation and the world to see the “wicked and slanderous accusations” brought against it by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), he said.Hu said that people involved in the case were not given a genuine opportunity to speak at last month’s hearing, despite making themselves available to investigators.He added that the committee did not give the KMT one year to declare its assets despite initial promises to do so.He said the KMT had already provided evidence that Central Investment was established using party dues paid during its early years, special party fees and donations from the public, which added up to an excess of funds, but that the committee ignored this evidence.“The committee promised the other day to come to KMT headquarters to go through the evidence, but then did not show up. This proves that the committee and the DPP have a guilty conscience,” Hu said. “The great power of the pan-green camp is frightening –— It is more communist than the Communist Party.”Hu said the KMT must staunchly oppose the resolution and “fight for social justice.”Before the committee met to deliberate on the issue, KMT Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) said on Facebook earlier yesterday: “How can a committee that does not check the facts be expected to deliver a fair decision?”She said the committee failed to correct incorrectly recorded testimony made during the Oct. 7 hearing, adding it was now “turning its back on the truth while making a judgement.”Hung said the committee must act with dignity, adding that it was at the start of a downward spiral in using the law to harm the public.“Whether [the DPP] is the people’s hero or a cowardly bear remains to be seen,” Hung wrote.Hung said that a paper trail exists proving that Central Investment was established using donations from party members and the public.“How can the committee just invalidate these things with a single phrase?” she asked.Central Investment and Hsinyutai issued statements calling the committee’s handling of the case “inappropriate,” and said they would resolutely oppose the decision and take legal action against the Executive Yuan.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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(中央社記者鄭景雯台北27日電)第53屆金馬獎最佳劇情片由中國電影「八月」獲獎,導演張大磊表示,過去他沒來過台灣,但對台灣不陌生,「在我電影啟蒙時,台灣新浪潮的前輩們,是我的老師」。 第53屆金馬獎作晚在台北國父紀念館舉行頒獎典禮,最佳劇情片由中國導演張大磊的「八月」獲獎,也成為今年金馬大贏家,「八月」一舉拿下金馬「新演員」、「最佳劇情片」、「費比西國際影評人獎」三獎。 張大磊上台時,帶著演員孔維一、爸爸也是製片人張建華上台領獎,張大磊表示,他沒想到會得獎,「我都不敢接這個獎,太沉了,來到金馬、到台北,是來朝聖,金馬獎在我心裡像是一個神壇一樣」,他小時候經常看金馬獎轉播,那時很喜歡成龍,就特別想要成為成龍那樣的明星。 「八月」以黑白片呈現,講述了上世紀90年代初、中國西部小城一名孩子童年的喜怒哀樂,同時呈現了當時社會的歷史變遷。外界評「八月」有如中國版的「童年往事」。 張大磊也說,「在我電影啟蒙時,台灣新浪潮的前輩是我的老師,我把你們當我的父輩,我在片中感謝父輩,因為是我的父輩給我們建立一個值得懷念、值得我熱愛的世代,這個生活成為我處女作的原型」。 張建華表示,他是一名剪輯師,已牛仔褲批發經工作30多年退休,在中國也得過兩次獎,但這次兒子張大磊得獎他反而特別激動,「他得獎等於我得獎」。 當時張大磊要拍這部片很艱苦,就告訴他只有兩個選擇,「一個是幹不成就改行」,因為這個劇本當初很多人都不收,「另一個就是繼續幹下去」,後來張建華自掏腰包,讓張大磊拍完這部片。 張建華也感謝家人,「因為電影人的家人最辛苦,我們家父子倆都幹電影,張大磊的母親和愛人承擔很多,必須要感謝他們」。1051127




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